A friend forwarded me a posting calling for entries for a juried exhibition at a local museum. I figured, hey - why not? If any of my images are selected, I will print them and frame them so they can be hung in the museum for a couple of months early next year. Pretty cool prospect, huh?
Choosing images for this contest was a bit tough. Since they have to be (assumedly enlarged) printed and framed, my submissions needed to be of a quality high enough to withstand being blown up for the printing/framing process. That excluded some of my favorite images that I love for their content, and not necessarily their quality. Happily, though, I still found a few that would work. Here are the six photos I submitted for consideration:

An oldie, but a goodie. And always one of my faves! That little guy's face!! <3

The "Mega Moon" from earlier this year. I love the spooky feel of those clouds!

These crazy guys are such a fun summer addition to the pond. So colorful, detailed, and unique! Doesn't he make you think of the totally awesome 80s?

This one is pretty simple, but I loved the lighting and how this gorgeous guy is the only thing in focus...

This beauty made an appearance in my WVAS post on Northern Flickers. I love their crazy patterns and colors. Always makes me think of Ferris Beuller's vest in Ferris Beuller's Day Off...

This shot was the resounding favorite of everyone who helped me select my final submissions. I can't tell you how excited I was when I was sorting through images from this day and realized I had captured this tiny little hover fly on this extraordinary blossom. And right after a spring rain shower, to boot! It's truly astounding how something so small and inconspicuous can be so detailed and beautiful if you look closely enough...
Wish me luck, friends! And I'll let you know if any of my photos are chosen!